
Monday 2 January 2012

A Year to Look Forward to...

With 2012 now having arrived, I thought it would be interesting to list the films that I am most looking forward to seeing (in the effort of looking back when I review them and see if I was right or wrong to be excited!)

The Amazing Spiderman
Trailer link here.

I was a fan of the original Sam Raimi/Toby Maguire trilogy, even if 'Spiderman 3' was a complete mess of a film. From the trailer, it looks like they are going back to the roots of Spiderman (again), so it will be interesting to see how the characters are played by new actors and actresses. I'm not too sure about the POV shot of Spiderman swinging through the city - while the reveal of his suit in the glass windows was kind of cool, it has a bit of a video game feel to it rather than a film (if you want to know why this is a bad idea, check out the film 'Doom').

Trailer link here.

If you haven't seen the trailer yet, what's wrong with you?! Check it out right now and then tell me you aren't excited to see Ridley Scott back into the genre he (kind of) defined with the original 'Alien' film.
You don't like Sci-Fi/Horror films? Then I don't like you... Just sayin'.

The Woman in Black
Trailer link here.

I've recently seen the stage play, and I can honestly say that I was quite scared. I explained it to my friend that I don't mind horror films in the cinema, because I know that I'm safe. The monster is stuck behind the cinema screen and it can't get me. I felt vulnerable in the theatre though. The ghost literally popped up everywhere, the characters were all over the theatre (regularly coming out into the audience) and it was so well told that I was completely captivated.
Hammer Films have a lot to live up to with the film. They recently did really well with 'Let Me In' (I actually liked it better than 'Let The Right One In') but then they completely lost it with 'The Resident'. The film needs to rely on suspense, atmosphere and a well told story and hopefully not fall into the trap of shock/jump scares (which is my only criticism of the stage play really).

Wrath of the Titans
Trailer link here.

I'm worried about ruining my credibility here, but I'm really hoping that I enjoy 'Wrath of the Titans'. This is surprising, since 'Clash of the Titans' was so bad... really bad in fact. The 3D was flat, the characters were so paper thin I didn't care or know who they were when someone died and the final battle was a bit of a mess with a lacklustre pay-off for the audience.
However, I'm a bit of a sucker for sword and sandal epic films (see '300' and 'Immortals'), so I'm really hoping that they tidy up the reputation of the first film with this one. It's not looking great at the moment, as the trailer follows the exact same pattern as the first film (which suggests that this film will be a bit of a copy) and the film is being directed by Jonathan Liebesman (see 'Battle: Los Angeles' and 'Darkness Falls' for previous filmmaking efforts), but I'm still holding out a glimmer of hope.

The Cabin in the Woods
Trailer link here.

This is supposed to be the horror film to end all other horror films. I'm a little bit sceptical - giving the film such a hype can only usually lead to a massive disappointment, but the trailer certainly looks interesting.
I'm not sure if I've been spoiled the ending already, but I read something online about the script's apparent ending and if it's the truth, then it will be a massive disappointment in my eyes (see the tiny * at the bottom if you want to know what I read).
However, the film seems to start off like any other horror film - teens on a camping holiday in the woods - but then it seems to take a slightly off kilter path when they get there!
Have a look at the trailer and see if you can guess what is going to happen?!

The Hunger Games
Trailer link here.

This looks like a semi-remake of 'Battle Royale' but for the Western audience. Seems quite interesting, but I haven't read the books that it's based on.
I'm only really including it here because I loved the 'Battle Royale' films, even the dodgy sequel!

The Avengers
Trailer link here.

Like I said with my review of 'Thor', I'm a sucker for superhero films. This has about 10 superheroes put into one film! It could be "epic" (as all the kids say), or it could be a right mess with about 10 superheroes that you just don't care for.
We shall see...

And films I'm not so looking forward to include...

American Reunion
American Pie... twelve years later? I remember seeing the original three films in cinemas when they came out, but I don't really have a desire to see any more now. Who is the actual audience for this film?!

The Dictator
'Borat' was kind of one time watch film - funny the first time, but not so much afterwards - and I didn't even bother with 'BrĂ¼no'. This film looks just as bad.

Titanic 3D
Does the ship still sink? In 3D?! Wow!

The Expendables 2
The first film was terrible and terribly boring. I feel it was a bit of an ego boost for ol' Sly Stallone to be acting in it and directing it! I can't see this film being much better.

* Apparently the teenagers are stalked by all kinds of horror monsters from previous horror films - swamp things, zombies, serial killers etc. before a 'hand of God' reaches up from the ground and pulls them all underneath. Sounds a bit... 'eh' to me!

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